10 December 2011


I was playing an impromptu Devotional set in the Hope City Prayer Room the other day.  I was an hour and fifty minutes into a set that was only supposed to be an hour and thirty minutes and was desperately trying to finish strong.  One thing I have caught onto - when you don't know what to sing, sing about Jesus. Ha.

One thing led to another and I soon started singing out of Song of Solomon 2:8 - "Listen! My Lover! Look! Here He comes, leaping across the mountains, bounding over the hills."  I've often just focused on this..the part where it says how Jesus has defeated all of my mountains and hills and is running towards me to set me free and give me life. 

But because of the season that I am right now, I need a little bit more than that.  I don't want Him to come and just stay with me where I am at.  It's beautiful for awhile, but I know in my spirit that there has to be something more.

I think that Jesus came bounding over the mountains to show more than just His strength and capabilities, but to hold out His hand and wait for me to accept His invitation -  an invitation to  take His hand and let Him lead me back over my hills, to help me conquer my mountains of pride, selfishness, immaturity, fear, and weakness. I'm finding that this Christian walk is not Jesus flying in, swooping low, snatching me from the Enemy and soaring away with me into eternal bliss. This is a journey that we take together that involves much walking, a few leaps, and a lot of tortuously crawling over the rough terrain of my humanity.

But that is what makes everything beautiful, isn't it?  Knowing that the King of Glory is willing to drag Himself through the mud - not only to help me fight for my freedom from my bondage - but to just be with me. A Love like this is so rare..and beautiful.  Complete freedom in Him is the joy set before me, being with Him in the journey is the joy with me right now.

I wrote a little song about it..

You saw me there in my brokeness
You saw me there in my weakness
You saw me there in my darkness
And You said, "This one is Mine"

You saw me there in my chaos
You saw me there in my confusion
You saw me there in my immaturities
And You said, "This one is Mine"

And I saw You come running towards me
With eyes of joy unspeakable
I saw You come running towards me
With a heart of love unquenchable

Now we're leaping over my mountains
And we're running over my hills
Now we're breaking down my walls
Conquering this life, together

We're in this together
What an adventure

And here is my first audio clip recording on the internet. Hehe..

Sigh. I never want to leave Him.

1 comment:

  1. Megan this is beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I had never thought of that verse in that way and it is a beautiful revelation. I love it!
