01 April 2012

Corroded Walls

I often find myself slowly picking through a room in my heart.  The room is rotten, dirty, smelly and the walls are corroded and there is broken glass all over the floor.  Some of the brokenness is caused by me and some have been vandalized by an uncaring enemy.

Jesus told me the other night to be patient with Him.  When I'm in these room, I find that impatience with myself and impatience coming from other people makes me direct a full blown attack of impatience onto Jesus.

Jesus told me to be patient with Him.  He gets me.  He knows me.  And all He wants is for me to look into His eyes and have faith that He knows the exact and perfect timing for everything...for all the things in my life that I'm waiting and striving for.  He wants me to tell Him that I believe He orchestrates everything in my life at a specific time and introduces everything to me in the best way...tailor made for me.

I do.

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