05 January 2011

initiating the Scratch

Tonight and tomorrow, my sister and brother-in-law will be gone from the house.  They do this occasionally for birthdays, anniversaries or Christmas presents to each other.  I guess they say are able to come up with better words while they play scrabble without me interrupting them... 

Either way, when they do this, i am left at home almost all alone.  why almost?  because there is a sweet little shihtzu that stays here as well. and because i am the best aunt ever, i let him sleep with me on these lonely nights.  Tonight being no exception, he was laying on the end of the bed while i was flung out across the other end, sleepily listening to the amazingly Spirit and love-filled song that was recorded by the Corey [r]Asbury Team. I had my arm stretched completely out like a stick with my hand laying limp and my head laying on this arm.  I felt harley [the dog] shifting around like he normally does.  He must have found my hand and recognized it for it's worth to him - his personal scratcher - because, all of a sudden, his head forcefully pushed into my hand, clearly letting me know that he wanted his head to feel the delightful touch of my fingers. me, of course, being a loving aunt, got a tickle out of this and complied.

What would happen if we approached God like that? i'm mostly tempted to wait on the Lord to move His arm around and beckon me closer for a metaphorical head scratch. i think that, obviously, if He wanted to give me something, He would initiate it. and if He wasn't initiating anything, then everything that i desire is not of or from Him. 

but see here is the thing.. it is built into harley's dna to beg for scratches. only mentally insane or horribly abused dogs run away from being scratched and petted. what if there are certain things built into my dna? like those dreams and longings that God placed in my heart way before this earth was created?  why would it be wrong of me to ask God for something that is built into my heart, even when He is not specifically initiating it? i think that He actually might like me coming to Him and asking for the desires He placed in my heart, yes?

And when i do come to Him first, it means that i recognize Him for who He is -- my Everything who supplies...everything. It speaks of a close relationship with the Father.  Harley doesn't push his head against my armpit to get scratched because he knows it is my awesome fingers that do that.   

Now, obviously, if harley all of a sudden sat up and asked me to braid his hair, i would clearly be freaked out and would probably throw him across the room.  Why?  1. that's kinda freaky 2. he was made to be a dog, not a human girl. That's why it's so important to know what is going on inside of your heart, to ask God what dreams and desires He's put there, so you don't ask for things that are off the charts. He will let you know.

And what if i had been too tired to scratch the dog?  the Lord has perfect timing. if it's not time, He won't scratch. if He's moving forward and you aren't, He will beckon. And the best thing is that, either way, whether He is scratching, beckoning or seeming to lay limp, His thoughts of love are still the same.  All the time.  Even when we poop on the carpet. yes.

here is a link to that sweet awesome song i was listening to. enjoy!: http://mytrumpet.posterous.com/this-is-an-mp3-of-cory-asburys-live-performan-0

please excuse my not-so-excellent way of writing this post...i'm super tired. hopefully my points get across, either way.

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