05 September 2011

Relationship At Its Finest

Ok.  I believe in the Trinity - that God exists in three persons: Father, Son and Spirit.  Each distinct person is fully and eternally God, yet there is only one God.  The mystery of the Trinity is that three divine persons dwell together forever in deep relationship as one God.

"Wow, you sound really intelligent and spiritual, Megan!" you may say after reading the above.  No, ha.  I am actually not too learned on this subject and it just blows my mind continually.  The above is from class notes by Mike Bickle (who also says he has much to learn, as well).

Anyways, Mike was teaching on this subject this morning at church.  One of the things he stressed was how "each one [in the Trinity] enjoys an eternal, voluntary, mutual relationship of love, humility and unity.  They have a deeply satisfying and fulfilling relationship in the fellowship of the Godhead."

I don't think that God created man because He was lonely.  He had Himself and was fully complete in love and relationship.  That is why man is so drawn to each other and that we must commune and dwell with each other -- because we were created by a God who abides in complete relationship.  (Bear with me..I myself am stuttering to type words that make sense to even me, ha).

I do think that God created man because He had so much love to give.  As human beings, when we are in love, we want to shout it to the world and tell everybody who doesn't care.  Love makes you want to pour out love to other people.  So, He created us.

Mike Bickle said, "Love does not speak of need, it speaks of desire."

God didn't need us to love Him for Him to be complete, He didn't need us to entertain Him so He wouldn't feel lonely anymore.  He desired to give and share in this love that IS Him.  God IS love.

Yes!! (This is a whole different blog, but this revelation takes off allll of the pressure of feeling we have to come before Him perfectly or feeling like we have to entertain Him or die.  That is not what He is in it for!  He's in it for love!)

Soon after Mike uttered that phrase, a parallel of God's love and of man's relational love popped into my head.

Just as God didn't create me out of need, I cannot marry out of lack, need, or loneliness. Yes, it is possible to love someone because they can somewhat satisfy any of the above, but it is not the purest kind of love.  The purest and most selfless kind of love is one born out of desire to share the love that is already inside of me without expecting a personal need to be fulfilled. To have enough love that not only sustains my own heart but that also spurs me on to pour and share it deeply with another human deeply can only come with intimacy with the One that never runs out of love.  The One who IS love.

To love another rightly and out of a pure heart, I must find my first and biggest source of love from God.  He is the only one that can truly fulfill the needs that my heart cries out with.  After He takes care of the need, desire is all that is left and that is the best way to love Him, people around me...and my future husband ;)
